Michel Scholte

Executive Council Member of Impact Institute and Co-Founder of True Price

Michel Scholte is co-founder of True Price (trueprice.org) since 2012, and Impact Institute (Impactinstitute.com) since 2018. The two social enterprises employ ~ 85+ FTE. Finally, he is founding board member of the Impact Economy Foundation (impacteconomyfoundation.org).

In January 2021, Michel was elected Minister of the New Economy by the members of MVO Nederland. He is a sought-after keynote speaker and writer on impact economic, True Pricing. Amongst other things, he has started CSRD ACADEMY (csrdacademy.com), CSRD HUB (csrdhub.com) and CSRD DAY, to accelerate the adoption of European sustainability reporting regulation.

Michel holds various advisory positions in the field of impact measurement and impact valuation, including Advisory Board of the Food Transition Advisory Council of Dutch retailer Albert Heijn, Impact investment find Seven Gen, Ambassador to the honours programme of the MBA of University of Amsterdam, alumni Ambassador to the VU University of Amsterdam. And he is former steering board member of the Netherlands Food Partnership. He holds an MSc in Sociology from VU University Amsterdam, and specialised in social research, agent-based modelling and living wages.